Moonsama current market price is $0.004238 with a 24 hour trading volume of $56,235. The total available supply of Moonsama is 745.50M SAMA with a maximum supply of 1.00B SAMA. It has secured Rank 2542 in the cryptocurrency market with a marketcap of $3,187.81K. The SAMA price is 10.16% down in the last 24 hours.
The lowest price of the Moonsama is $0.004230 & the highest price is $0.005227 in the last 24 hours. Live Moonsama prices from all markets and SAMA coin market Capitalization. Stay up to date with the latest Moonsama price movements. Check our coin stats data and see when there is an opportunity to buy or sell Moonsama at best price in the market.
$-0 10.16%
$0.004230 / $0.005227
$3,187.81K 9.35%
745.50M SAMA
1.00B SAMA
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Compare live prices of Moonsama on top exchanges.
# | Exchange | Pair | Price | Volume (24h) | Trust Score |
MEXC | SAMA/USDT | $0.004540 | $7,959 | ||
Uniswap V3 (Ethereum) | 0XE04F4.../0XC02AA... | $0.004496 | $2,684 | ||
Bilaxy | SAMA/ETH | $0.004170 | $45,588 | ||
Beam Swap | 0X0650C.../0XD51BF... | $0.004569 | $1,316 | ||
Uniswap V3 (Base) | 0X63228.../0X42000... | $0.004665 | $443 |
Exosama Network is the inevitable next chapter for the ever-growing Moonsama Multiverse Community. It is a versatile metaverse-focused blockchain built to accommodate NFT projects from many fields of life, such as gaming, music, artwork, and fashion. The Network features high-performance EVM capability, and can be bridged to multiple metaverses and ecosystems.Exosama Network is the first enterprise-grade blockchain with a simple but fair NFT-based governance model and a gas token that originates from players' in-game efforts. It is structured to host and accommodate the entire Moonsama metaverse and game economy. SAMA, the gas and utility coin of Exosama Network, may be minted through the migration of Raresama (Poop) tokens, earlier distributed to players in the Moonsama Multiverse proportional to their in-game activity and achievements.
Gaming (GameFi) NFT Metaverse Ethereum Ecosystem Base Ecosystem Beam Ecosystem