Utya current market price is $0.00059361 with a 24 hour trading volume of $1,777. The total available supply of Utya is 0 UTYA with a maximum supply of 1.00B UTYA. It has secured Rank (Not Available) in the cryptocurrency market with a marketcap of $0. The UTYA price is 0.22% down in the last 24 hours.
The lowest price of the Utya is $0.00055822 & the highest price is $0.00060624 in the last 24 hours. Live Utya prices from all markets and UTYA coin market Capitalization. Stay up to date with the latest Utya price movements. Check our coin stats data and see when there is an opportunity to buy or sell Utya at best price in the market.
$-0 0.22%
$0.00055822 / $0.00060624
$0 0%
1.00B UTYA
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UTYA Token$UTYA is more than just a memecoin – it’s a community-driven movement dedicated to spreading joy and positivity through the iconic Telegram Duck Emoji. $UTYA is seen by millions of people every year on Telegram, and so we thought it deserved a community to call its own on TON.
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